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German Language

German products. CDs, magazines, books and other products to learn German

German Products

Here we offer you a list of products related to German Language provided by third party companies. We are not direct providers of these products, we act as their resellers only. After clicking on a link you'll be redirected to other site where you can complete your sale. We work with reputable companies offering the best language products of the market.

Hand held dictionaries

Ectaco offers some of the best German electronic translators, linguistic microcomputers and translations software for pocket PC and Palm. It's a perfect option to cover the communication needs for people traveling abroad . Some products translate many different language pairs. Other have a speech recognition system that allow you to speak a phrase in your language and translate it to the target language. More German translators >

Schau ins Land Audio Magazine

Each issue of Schau ins Land comes on an audiocassette or CD so that you can work on your German while commuting, jogging, walking the dog, or cooking dinner. Just pop the CD or cassette into any standard player and listen anytime you want! Each hour-long program is packed with interesting news, interviews, music, and features on topics ranging from politics and current affairs to sports, travel, film, and literature--all presented in German by native speakers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. You also get a magazine containing a word-for-word printed transcript of the program. Difficult words are highlighted in bold in the text and defined in an extensive German-English glossary. More >

Other products

- Phrase Books

- Audio Books

- Literature books

- Dictionaries

- Games

- Video/ DVD

- Music

- Software

- See all German products

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